Sunday, November 5, 2017


Have you ever thought about what it means to be retired? Obviously it means you no longer have a paying job. It probably means you are unencumbered -- or at least your tine is unencumbered! Consequently. you theoretically have plenty of free time to pursue things of interest. Is that true?

I'm retired but I still have things to do. Sometimes I do them, sometimes I don't. I've asked myself why don't I do them but I really never get a satisfactory answer. I started out today with three objectives to be accomplished. One was to create a spreadsheet on my blood glucose readings and the amount of insulin I've administered to myself since last Friday's appointment with Dr. Cavanaugh, my endocrinologist. l, I have the draft I've been maintianing; however, I still haven't created the typed spreadsheet. Why not? Primarily because I have another project that is a little more pressing.

The other project is to figure out the most cost effective way to visit Jeffrey and his family around December 8th. Initially one would think driving one of our cars would be the best way; however, Margaret's car is a 2002 with about 75,000 miles on it and my car is 2003 with about 250,000 miles on it. I  wouldn't want to depend on either of these vehicles to make the round trip between South Bend (IN) and Washington (DC) So then I think, why don't you just figure out the costs of a rental car.

Always willing to be sidetracked, I think well why don't you go ahead and figure the costs for AMTRAK. As I start to plug in the data for a round trip to Har[er's Ferry (WVa), the computer asked me for my AMTRAK ID. As I reach for the AMTRAK folder, I couldn't find it.. So now I get sidetracked looking for my AMTRAK folder so I can put in my number. As I'm doing that, I run across a check my friend gave me a couple of weeks ago for his ticket to the Gala. RIGHT! Sidetracked again. I'm off to the bank to deposit the check. Of course, I don't want to leave the dogs here by themselves so I hunt down the leash, connect the dogs, and off to the bank I go. The drive thru teller was very nice and gave me doggy treats for both Happy and Precious.

Well, now I'm home and I'm hungry. Precious just ran into the kitchen to greet Momma, who is returning

p.s. Wrote this a couple of days ago and am just now getting arpund to publishing it!